Wednesday, June 29, 2016

5 out of 21 characteristic of a leader

Yesterday, we discussed about the 5 characteristic of a leader. A leader definitely will have more than 5 characteristic, but all of us may not be having all 21 characteristic that a leader should have. Hence, We chose 5 out of the 21 characteristic that we think is the most important.
             The first characteristic that we chose was vision. Vision is a skill to be able to look through what can happen in the future. A leader should have this to see what others cannot see. For example, if you are selling an art, in order to make the art valuable, you have to increase the price to let people buy it. The art may not be selling out for a long time, but you will make a lot of profit when it is sold instead of just a few dollars because you are too scared that people would not buy your art.
             Next, servanthood is our second choice for the characteristic because we have to let the group member know that we care about them. A leader who will do the work that he assigned to the group member tends to make the group member put more effort into the work because they felt respected.
             Subsequently, we chose commitment to be the third characteristic. When the group member know that the leader is committed to the work, they will know that the leader can be trusted and they will like to work harder because of the enthusiasm of the leader.
             After that, we chose relationship because a good relationship between leader and group member is essential. The group member will have no problem to do any work that was assigned by
the leader, but they will not do the work or not putting their effort to do the work if they have a bad relationship with the leader.
            Lastly, we chose problem solving because a good leader is supposed to know how to solve problem in a group. For example, if  there is a conflict occurred, the leader is supposed to solve the problem and find a win-win solution so that the group member will think it is fair.

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